Thursday, 9 February 2017

Woman gives birth after severe hormonal imbalance

Emmanuela Agbujie Ovuomaye, who was termed barren, shares her testimony on Facebook.

I finally decide to share my testimony...
1. I was told I couldn't get pregnant due to severe hormonal imbalance... Suffice to say my last cycle was May/June 2015
This news was not new to me...had been told while I was way younger. It also wasn't news to my husband. Told him when I discovered things were moving fast and voala... He was ready to pray it out with his words, "I want to marry you because I love you, however the children will definitely come". That settled, we went ahead with plans and preparations... We even decided that kids will start coming after 1year of just us together... married March 2015
2. By the end of 2015, we decided it was time...i trust my mum...she was on top of it...infact from day 1 of marriage.
I started on treatment to induce menstruation, how many calendar calculations... Just to know when ovulation starts...blablabla. By 2nd week Feb 2016, I felt serious menstrual cramps...was thinking this is it but the period just refused to the Sunday my G.O Pastor David Ogbueli of
Dominion City comes in with a word of prophecy concerning someone in her early stage of pregnancy, having abdominal pains. He declared healing...I claimed the healing part and fervently prayed that the pregnancy part will happen to me soon... Howbeit, that prophecy was for me as I was already pregnant but did not know. Alas, I was about to have a miscarriage...
3. By March different people suspected I was pregnant but I denied it...after all I am yet to see my cycle since 2015 not to talk of being pregnant. My dearest big sis Ndidi Obiorah called me aside to congratulate me but I kept saying amen. And she said go do a pregnancy test. Just to indulge her I did and the result was positive.
4. Antenatal resumption; on doing scan result was, foetus in OS was open..nothing can be done medically except to wait for the process to be complete or the baby somehow goes back to my womb. So I was told... I cried, got angry, called my mentor Pst
Olufibiyemi Olapade and our Island Awaiting mothers Pst Njide...after which I got into spiritual combat with this wicked but stupid devil about to steal my joy and testimony... Scan one week later; Feotus kicking up and down in the womb...OS closed
5. That sorted, next was incompetent cervix. I couldn't keep/carry pregnancy. In my 1st trimester and my cervix was already at 17.8mm short as opposed to 35-38mm and the bigger the baby gets the shorter it would become. There was no way my baby will survive the 2nd trimester without having to undergo cervical surgery they called saclage. If I do not miscarry, I would have a premature delivery.
Well, we refused. Infact, no more scan. Didn't want my faith to crumble. I chose to believe God's word over everything. By my 3rd trimester, cervix had increased from 17.8mm to 33mm...haha.
Amazing God.
6. The night of my EDD was when my contraction started. My real labour was a first timer.
Awesome God.
You can't tell me there is no God...
The first day of your last menstruation is when you start counting your first day of please with which day do we count from...May 2015???
The look on the faces of all the different doctors and nurses that attended to me on different occasions whenever they ask when was your last menstrual cycle is priceless... They all get confused at that point... Hahahaha
Hold on, help is on the way.
Lessons learned
1. Do not keep important 'secrets' from your would be spouse so they are prepared to battle it out with you... Can two work together except they agree. Issues of this magnitude needs your partners support and you'll conquer all.
2. Have a mentor (s). Spiritual mentors to put you through...they are available whenever the need arises.
Thank you my mentor...Pst Fibi
Thank you Pst Njideka Emechebe
And my very own mummy G.O Mummy Say, Pastor Sarah Ogbueli
You prescribed the supernatural antenatal drugs I took along side the medical ones...thank you so much ma...
I sure was covered.
3. Sometimes shut out external influences, some things would kill your faith if you don't shut them out
4. The things you say matter...right from time I have always said after 1year before I will start thinking of having a child + my first child must be a girl and well despite the medical report, I had my confession manifest, even when the scan showed that it was a
5. A bible believing church adds up for you- It makes a whole lot of difference.
Pst Njide who is also a medical doctor taught that faith is...
Believing it
Confessing it
Acting it and then
Having it
I present to you my 3months old baby...
Sarah, Omo-oka (child of signs), Oseiwe (God doesn't sleep or slumber,
Kindly feel free to share with anyone almost giving up.

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